Sawah Bali
or direct deposit
Account Name: Yayasan Konservasi Sawah Bali
Account Number: 034 426 2353 (IDR)
Bank: BNI
Branch: Denpasar
Conserving Bali's Rice Paddies and Creating New Markets for Farmers
Sawah Bali creates Awareness regarding Sawah (rice paddies) + Subak (900-year-
old water technology and underpinning for
Balinese Hinduism), so that YOU are able
to make better choices, in matters of healthy food and your accommodations.

It is with pleasure we send you our Pilot Project report, "Agro-tourism in the 21st Century“, data from the first year of the project. Our mission objectives were met.
The pilot project met the objectives of land conservation through economic development for farmers and the community, mitigation of climate change and Bali's water crisis. regeneration of habitat, better health and nutrition for farmers' families and retention of culture associated with sawah/subak